Haynesville Shale

Landowners Association

Member Login

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Isn't it time to
negotiate for a
better lease?

We think so.

Sign Up

Join The Herd.

You can get your Section, Township and Range from your Deed or from the Tax Assessor's office.

Member Registration
Please use your email address as your username.
* Username
Use your email address.
* Password
Passwords must be at least 5 characters long
* Password Confirm
* Screen Name
If you leave this field blank, your screen name will be the same as your username
* Email Address
* Tax Geo ID
* Tax Assessor's Info
Please put your Full Name as listed on your Tax Notice.
Your Land: Section
This information can be found on your Deed or from the Tax Assessor's office.
Your Land: Township
This information can be found on your Deed or from the Tax Assessor's office.
Your Land: Range
This information can be found on your Deed or from the Tax Assessor's office.
* Contact Info: Phone
Please provide a phone number where you can be reached or a message can be left for you.
* Mailing Address
Please include apartment or suite number if applicable.
* City
The city of your mailing address.
* State
The state of your mailing address.
* ZIP Code
The ZIP code of your mailing address.
Terms of Service

  I agree to the terms of service

Download the HSLA Binding Agreement (PDF) here.

Download the HSLA Handbook (PDF) here.

* Indicates required fields